
MENA  Network

* A  part of the global society of biological outcome research [GSBOR]

*We started legal and official steps to develop the network into an international association with 3 chapters  (Arabic, MENA and International).

*We developed agreements with European and American Universities for cooperation with  the new association plus 

*International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua),

*NICE | The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence

*National health institute (NIH)


  • Training Activities.
  • Conducting and Assessment of Health Economics & outcomes research studies.
  • Conferences organization.
  • Regulatory science training& Accreditations.
  • Regulatory &Public Affairs consultations.
  • Publishing. & Market Research Activities.
  • Health policy Analysis & consultations.
  • Epidemiology studies.
  • Market Access consultations


our vision is sharing experiences between all medical staff ( Regulators , Health care policy makers physicians ,pharmacists ,Nurses, pharma industry) about Biologicals &Biosimilars medicines and it’s Empact on Enhancement of health systems at MENA .